Thursday, July 15, 2010

**Under Construction**

This blog is undergoing construction while I prepare to start accepting clients in September. Please check back often for updates!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My New Niece

This was my first photo shoot with my new niece Taylor. She is 3 weeks old in these photos. She gets bigger and cuter everyday. I can't wait to post our next shoot!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

City Skylines

For my Photography class, I had to take some photos of "Buildings". My instructor wanted tall buildings and living in Cincy, that really only leaves. . . well, Cincy =).

18mm, f/5, SS 1/1600, ISO 320, -.3 EV

50mm, f/4, SS 1.3 seconds. ISO 100

Monday, September 29, 2008

Workshop 2

This week's theme is two fold. My instructor is a delightful Italian man in his 60's and in his exuberance to cater to a class that is mostly interested in children's photography, his intentions were lost in the Italian-English translation. He assigned us the theme "Anxiety". After pondering the class' mixed reaction to the theme he realized that he had meant to say "Curiosity" and the Italian word for that is very similar to the English for anxiety. He offered up either theme or both. We can turn in two pictures (same as last time) and I plan on doing one photo for each theme. The deadline is tomorrow and let me just say, my little models are NOT being cooperative. Here is the best I have so far. If there is anyone out there reading who has any input on any of the images, I welcome it!



I'm leaning toward the black and white of my son as he wanted to keep it as "SOOC" as we could. I did a considerable amount of playing with the other versions of that photo and while I love the results, I think he may want to see a more "bare bones" type of photo for class.

My husband adores that picture of me, but I'm not too fond of it. It has MAJOR noise issues and the color just seems weird to me

Workshop on Hands

I enrolled in a community class for Photography. It was cheap and I figured some live feedback couldn't hurt anything anyway. Our first assignment was "Hands". Preferably "Hands at Work". It had to be two hands, from the same person who had to be an adult. Of course my first thoughts were of both my mother (a massage therapist) and my husband (an IT professional). I was out of town the weekend it was assigned over so I never really got a chance to sit down with my husband and get some good pictures of his "moneymakers" as he likes to call them, so i had to improvise. Here are my two entries which were well received by the instructor.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One Year Photo Shoot

I had a shoot this past week for a friend. Her son Sam just turned one this weekend and I came out to try to get some shots of him. It was beautiful that morning, but I still struggled with my indoor shots. Oh well, that's what practice is for!